The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

My day

Posted at 11:45 PM
Well today was the big 3 v 3 basketball tourny, and I was at the church recording (with my new acquaintance James Carroway). Man, talk about a long day, I had plans to go out with a certain someone, and a friend, but that was canceled.... damn girls...

Talking bout girls, you guys remember that one girl.... yea.. that one, well I was looking back in some miniDV tapes I had and guess what I should find in the second tape?

Her face....
its amazing how the feelings come rushing back, let me tell you, that was no ordinary girl (super girl -snicker-)

anyways, lets not ruin a perfectly good blog post with girls, after a hard day's night I spent the rest blowing off heads in Gears of War 2...

God bless the programmers of that game :D

so tomorrow is the big day, Im pissed that Amp wont be able to be there earlier, but what can ya do right? other than that.... it has been an interesting day so far. IDK if we are going out of town anymore, and having a car now, I can feel my parents leash on my getting tighter.

hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week.... I know I will :)