The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

House Vist

Posted at 2:16 PM
Man friday was one crazy day can you belive it. I know a person with no sense of direction you know who i talking about it's jouse. He got lost from mirmar all the way to some where in east hialeah wow good job jouse. Andy just told him to head to church which was a few blocks away and he ended in hialeah wow but not to worry with my graet looks and sense of direction i talk to im on the phone and re-route him on the right way to head back to church and yes jouse there is a huge difference between streets and aves. So i didn't have a ride after the mix and bobo Aka(jouse) give dave and I here a ride back home. So once we got there we invited him, he met my parents and saw my room and boy did we have some laugh. Just ask him ur self. Like the block of wood yes thats right a block of wood, a sock hanging from the croner of my room and how messy it was but not to worry we got that clean up. He was also amazed with the things dave and i build like dave build a checker board made of wood and I here build a tool box of sheet metals. Well at the end of it all bobo doesn't know how to ride a long board like come on it's like 5"11 or 6 feet come on thats big and he fell and rolled all over the street as if he never rode on before wow very kool bobo. But beside that it was fun and he got to see my room. Well thats all for now

P.s. You happy now bobo .

Surely We Can Change

Posted at 11:25 AM
U know "Fuzzball" (AKA Josue) has a point .... Ironically, well not ironically if u believe in fate. But on tuesday I bought the new David Crowder CD/DVD concert album (totally worth ur money BTW). On the DVD david towards the end of the concert mentions and conveys a theme. That theme being that if we only LIVED what we sang sometimes, the world would be a better place. He goes on to mention that our testimony is such a powerful tool that if we trully express what we believe in we can move the lives of others'. He closes by saying that the following song should be our prayer and wishes everyone to go home safely etc etc God Bless!


And the problem is this
We were bought with a kiss
But the cheek still turned
Even when it wasn't hit

And I don't know
What to do with a love like that
And I don't know
How to be a love like that

When all the love in the world
Is right here among us
And hatred too
And so we must choose
What our hands will do

Where there is pain
Let there be grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Help them be brave
Where there is misery
Bring expectancy
And surely we can change
Surely we can change

And the problem it seems
Is with you and me
Not the Love who came
To repair everything

Where there is pain
Let us bring grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Let us be brave
Where there is misery
Let us bring them relief
And surely we can change
Surely we can change
Oh surely we can change

Oh, the world's about to change
The whole world's about to change

SO in short I totally agree with Josue. Sometimes we sing music and do so many things for God out of a ritualistic habit that we totally loose the true point of what we are doing. The key lies in recognizing when you begin to fall into the ritualistic and not the spiritual. ;)


Posted at 8:33 AM
So its Christmas morning, wake up to find presents under the tree, spend time with the family, and spend the next 2 hours playing around with your new gadgets.

But, isnt there supposed to be something more? Yea, its the "celebration" of the birth of Christ, but we all know that isnt whats being celebrated here... Its times like these that can make us notice things.

Im not posting a "Celebrate Jesus/ Jesus is the reason for the season" article, but just something that came to mind last night on my way home from a party (which will have its own blog after this one.)

I was listening to the I <3 Revolution CD by Hillsong, and as usuall Im jamming to the songs. The CD starts off with The Time Has Come. You all know that is MY song :), but this time it was different. For some reason I heard the lyrics.. and I couldnt sing them, and I asked my self why? The answer, as usual, hurt, and it was becuase I felt that I shouldnt just sing the words if I didnt LIVE the words.

So how bout we do this for a devotional this week?
Dissect the lyrics

The Time Has Come:
Found love beyond all reason
You gave Your life Your all for me
And called me Yours forever
Caught in the mercy fallout
I found hope found life
Found all I need
You're all I need

The time has come
To stand for all we believe in
So I for one am gonna
Give my praise to You

Today today it's all or nothing
All they way
The praise goes out to You
Yeah all the praise goes out to You
Today today I live for one thing
To give You praise
In everything I do
Yeah all the praise goes out to You

All we are is Yours
And all we're living for
Is all You are

The Rollercoaster

Posted at 10:41 AM
So aside from trying out the vlog, I have lots to report

This Christmas season has been... interesting. I had planned to work all break long, but so far these last weekend has been...non-productive

Not that I have not enjoyed it, but I plan not to waste any more time playing PS2 (which has been extremely fun)

As many of you guys know (all three of you) I have turned 18 years of age. And my thanks goes out to those that helped make it awesome, in the video


My day

Posted at 11:45 PM
Well today was the big 3 v 3 basketball tourny, and I was at the church recording (with my new acquaintance James Carroway). Man, talk about a long day, I had plans to go out with a certain someone, and a friend, but that was canceled.... damn girls...

Talking bout girls, you guys remember that one girl.... yea.. that one, well I was looking back in some miniDV tapes I had and guess what I should find in the second tape?

Her face....
its amazing how the feelings come rushing back, let me tell you, that was no ordinary girl (super girl -snicker-)

anyways, lets not ruin a perfectly good blog post with girls, after a hard day's night I spent the rest blowing off heads in Gears of War 2...

God bless the programmers of that game :D

so tomorrow is the big day, Im pissed that Amp wont be able to be there earlier, but what can ya do right? other than that.... it has been an interesting day so far. IDK if we are going out of town anymore, and having a car now, I can feel my parents leash on my getting tighter.

hope you guys enjoy the rest of your week.... I know I will :)

We Never Change

Posted at 1:10 PM
I was goin to write about a specific experience (feeding the homeless) but then I realized that our whole lives are one big experience... so I was in the mood to write about something different :/

People never change... there comes a point in one's life where it's too late to teach you new tricks. Some though have the ability to learn and renew themselves irregardless of age. Sometimes it's God, sometimes it's a near death encounter, sometimes it's a simple change of scenery that can cause a person to rethink who they are and what they believe in. But humans are creatures of habit and breaking old habits requires will power, and in my opinion, help from The Almighty.

Lately some of the people I care about most have not been trying very hard to break ol' habits. Instead it seems like they embrace them and feel happy in their own lil bubbles. My reply to their actions has been prayer and a certain degree of separation from those people. But in there lies my dilema. When you trully love a friend(s) you technically shouldn't cast them to the wayside, but the truth is the habits of this person(s) aren't very beneficial to their spiritual lives nor to anyone else around them. The good book says be wary of gossip and other harmful actions with our tongues but what can a man do except for prayer? I have already tried tellin the person(s) to be careful of their actions, but they persist in doing what they want.

I feel as if people really never do change in the end... they choose to believe in things but never really commit to making themselves better humans. Therefore I now feel as if I am in MY OWN lil bubble... but GOD always has a purpose for these things. I just hope my friends can realize thier own purposes.


What are some of the reasons people are so stubborn????

Ran: Talking

Posted at 10:48 PM
So Im talking to Isaac right now, while I am writing this blog post, and I have gotten him on board to help us out with some devotionals and a lot of good times here in blog city.

so how bout everyone says hi?

So this Sunday is my b-day (woot) and we are planning this awesome lan/360 party at Alex and Delvin's house. GoW 2 all the way.

other than that, I am dieing for the winter break to start, and school to finish (allthough Dinlocker is killing me :\ )

OH BTW: Frisbee is a man's sport. we have been playing it at school for the past 2 days.... and its awesome


Dev: Isaiah 42:16 - Focus

Posted at 11:16 PM
For some one that has a hard time focusing (on things that are not beneficial for him at the moment), I find my self in very .... -sigh-... whats the word...demotivating situations. For example, promising to God, and to myself, that I will try harder to do what He tells me.

Take a wild guess, as to if I stay true to my word or not.

This has got to be the 20th time that I have been through this cycle of thoughts, in one way it is very pitiful, but what can I say.... I'm flawed. On the other hand, we cant just leave it at that. If ANYONE is going through something like this, we need to man (or woman) up to the task.

Yes, I know its hard (you shove a xbox 360 control (or ANY other control) with a game attached, and I will be on there for hours...... no matter WHAT has to be done.), but we have to be stronger. In my case, I hear God telling me "you should ignore that and continue working", but me being the idiot that I am, I go for the immediate pleasure (which, by the way, turns to bite me in the *** later). Me being imperfect, I fall into the temptation, no matter how HARD I dont want to.

That is because I am doing it on my own. Check out the verse

Isaiah 42 :16

I will bring the blind by a way they did not know;
I will lead them in paths they have not known.
I will make darkness light before them,
and crooked placed straight.
These things I will do for them, and not forsake them

Dang, God is promising us that he wont leave us hanging there. Imagine, not having to face the temptation alone, but having The Almighty along side you giving you the strength to overcome the bastard, that is the tempatation.

Of course it wont be like this
"Ok God, lets do this......." -done-

no, we have to have faith in God, because if not, He wont be able to "I will lead them in paths they have not known."

Without faith, God CANNOT work in us, we need to believe in Him 100%.

Ran: Whoa

Posted at 11:22 PM
So I just finished watching The Chronic (WHAT)les of Narnia : Prince Caspian, and let me tell you.....

I have been feeling the urge to get back into videos, but after watching that movie, man I am going crazy. I feel like I can take on any movie idea RIGHT NOW...... well.... actually, maybe tomorrow :)

I think that 2009 is going to be an awesome year, that is.... if I get all my crap together.... Man, is getting ready for college hard or what? I think I will enjoy GOING to college more than applying to them.

Anyways, on a side note, I got a haircut and I played at Pembroke Road Church tonight. It was awesome, the crowd was a little..... lackluster, but none the less, it was good.

Something I noticed is that I need to learn how to spend time with God, EVEN IF I am working FOR God. Its really difficult getting into the night, when you got computers crashing left and right and you are running around trying to get it fixed.... its funny... because I just noticed, its ordered chaos.

anyways, Christmas is coming up, and expect pics....... lots of pics. This is of course after the break, because I am going to be too busy.... PARTYING!!!!!

lol, Texas should be a blast, and I know DC is going to rock.

well Im out for the night. God bless guys,
Oh, and dont forget to comment AND (for you that CAN) post here too k?


Dev: Psalm 113 : 7-9

Posted at 12:57 AM
(feel free to read the entire chapter)

Our status now, as a country and as young adults, is not the best of
positions; but by the glory of God, we have some how been going

Psalm 113: 7-9

"He raises the poor out of the dust, and lifts the needy out of the ash heap,
That he may seat him with princes- with the prince of His people.
He grants the barren woman a home, like a joyful mother of children
Praise the Lord"

Right now we could be praising God for something that we take for granted every day, the fact that we are still being supplied for.

Give thanks to God, and please, don't be afraid to leave a comment and talk about this.


** Blog Detour

Posted at 11:40 PM
Ok so from here on, we are taking a different approach to this blog thing,
Andres has joined forces with me and this will become a place to do some

This should be interesting, but of course, we will have our random posts also
so to distinguish Dev(otional) posts from Random posts we will start with

Dev: _______

lets see how this goes :)


haha..... about that

Posted at 10:32 PM
Right then, So I was gone for a while.

here's what happened:

We have a LAN party (which I didn't mention on the blog) at Alex and Delvin's house.
its all good and games until some issues arise between 2 others (a couple of us dont notice,
because Gears of War 2 is WAY more important). Skip to the end of the weekend, I MISSPLACE
my Charger for my laptop.

It was torture, a week without my......well my baby :)

any ways I am back and man, do I have a story to share.

Conflicts of Doctrine, Choices of churches, Relationships, I'm telling you, I can make a movie out of this.

I will share that story...... later.

Right now its 8:17 AM and I have been working ALL night to get a video done
for church. (I know, its a regular thing for me)

so I will leave you with that, and I will share more next time, and I will make sure that
next time isnt 2 weeks away
