The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

A new chapter.

Posted at 8:00 PM
....... about 3 hours ago, I officially graduated.

Hold your applause, Im not done yet. This day marks the start of... well... a new chapter. Corny, I know, but its true. Something is different from 3 hours ago. I dont know exactly what it is, but its something significant. Now that I think about it, I have an idea on what changed.

I was always anxious about ending high school, and starting "Life". Well, it kind of just sneaked up on me. Not that I am not prepared.... I just got the wind knocked out of me. I took 30 min by my self just to verify that I was good to go on.

Imagine me walking down the streets with my hands in my pockets......smiling.

Thats me right now.

Major Fail

Posted at 10:22 PM
So..... that last post was extreme full of fail.... but, what can I do?

I still havent found my card reader.... so no photos or video for now.

Ima go take a shower and get ready for tomorrow.


Grad Bash high lights.

Posted at 2:57 PM
Pics and explinations will be up in a few minutes
