The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

New Year's Resolution

Posted at 1:39 PM
So it's a lil late to think of new years resolutions but I came up with a few that really valid to me. Every year brings new blessings, trials, obstacles, triumphs etc etc, but I realized over the last few years that I have kinda lost touch with whom I was. I was more quiet, more reserved, more soft spoken, and over time I've let drama, other people, trials etc, push me into being more loud quicker to anger and rude. Lol, I remember criticizing a friend cuz she was so quiet and introverted but I get her now in a way.

I miss being like that now, it's so simple to live in a bubble, but I do think it's also foolish to do so. The problem is us (people), we have a hard time finding a balance and accepting that we have flaws, but I usually never have a hard time accepting flaws, cuz my parents taught me from a very young age that self acceptance and awareness brings about maturity. My flaw has always been to give too much to people whom have never really tried to give back. I think in a cynical sort of way my life has always been a cycle of heartbreaks and failure of meeting expectaions. BUT i will never loose neither faith nor trust in humanity. I have learned the hard way what it feels like for someone to say "I dont trust you anymore" and I dont think I ever want someone to hear that from me. It's a feeling of loss, but then you realize that if ppl say those things to you, you never really mattered to them in the first place.

This is where I vow to be more like my old self (if u want to call it that), I have to relearn how to focus myself like before, how to love others but not let them bring their baggage onto you, how to know when someone trully cares or just needs a quick fix, and finally how to learn to be the old calm measured and reserved DRE of 5 years ago, the one who was more humble, less of himself, and more easy going.

Funny story

Posted at 6:30 PM
Right then guys,

I hope you saw the update video, and I assure you.... the good vid is going up.
I have just been... busy with finals and what not.

so check this out, I come from school early today and I knock out on the bed.

I wake up like 3 hours later, and I think im late for school. I look at the clock....
and Im late for school.

I rush over to my mom's room, and im like what time is it!!!!

and my dad's like 6:30........

and I look at my dad... and I look outside... and im like.... Oh, THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!

I have a veryy important Final tomorrow and I cant miss it.... amongst other things.

ok going back to sleep


Posted at 9:08 PM