The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

Im back

Posted at 10:03 AM
// Here is an insight in my mind the past weekend.

-sigh- so I am in a huge need for an update, so I guess today is the best time to do so.

I am heading out to puerto rico for a wedding, and yet again I confirm that I hate traveling with my imediate family.

Right then, right now I an in my car, typing this on my iPod ( LOL @ how it capatilizes iPod ) and we are on the way to the port of air.

You guys want to know what's on my mind? I'm thinking about why I am not reading the bible as much as I should, and how I could fix that. I got an app that's a devotional and a bible at the same time, let's see If I use it.

Side note: it's hilarious to see some one not put to practice what they learn.......but sad at the same time.

Surrender ..... Would it get me away from all this ? Have I surrendered?


I fear my batts are gonna run out..... Bbl

I know that I am not in the right place with God, I really don't know what to do any more.......

So the wedding was cool, it had an open bar and we had family there so, I enjoyed it.

Now we are going to eat breakfast before leaving back to miami.

I lost data..... I got to calm down

Dare you to move...... The song has a point, it's on me. But it's so hard. "I dare you to move like today never happened"

Jesus gave us a clean slate, should we start each day over anew?

I know I have messed up, and I long to make up for it.....I guess I am going to try.

To end, I love these trips, I always learn something about myself. Well, not learn but grow..... In a way.
