The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

seemed to have forgotten.

Posted at 11:48 PM
Well it seems that I have forgotten about my lovely readers here in blogspot.

This week has been a very exciting one.

Lots of you may know already, but I got accepted into Full Sail. (I can already hear you, "of course you did, everyone does.... but can you afford it?") Yes.... that IS the question. I have my faith in God that He will pull me through. I cant explain it....... but I KNOW that I am going to be there..... I just dont know HOW right now :)

In other important news, I totally Passed American Gov..... -sigh- that was a relief. and other than that, I am still getting comfortable in church. though..... completing this might take some time. I am learning alot about myself, and im loving it. Almost seems like a Teen Movie. But thats the way life is.


g'nite guys.... I'll see ya later.

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