The Chronicles of Josue
(and Andres and maybe some other people)

House cleaning / looking back

Posted at 10:11 PM
I remember that the original purpose for this blog was a devotional/chill place for Andres, Isaac, and myself.... well I gradually became my life blog... sorry guys. Anyways, I have decided that I will blog Nightly... or at least try to.

Right after I finish my devotional by myself, I will end my day with a blog post.... it seems like a good way to round things up. This all ties in with the reporter Andrew Ba Tran of the Sun Sentinal and Watch this now. He interviewed me and a couple of my friends about the future of connectivity with networking. After talking about it, I got excited about being connected to people.

The only Con right now is the fact that I dont have a "Net" capable phone...... Everyone and their moms have an iPhone or G1 at FRC. But for now, blogging will do, so will Facebook. It goes with out saying that I will be getting a Twitter account as soon as I have the connectivity (Join the bandwagon).

In other news, I called Miami-Dade college, and almost got lost in translation. I forgot how Hispanic Miami is :P. Everytime I said, "Hi, I am a prospective student, and I have a question about your film program. :) " I was faced with a "huh?" or "que?". lol good times.

I will keep you guys updated on everything

Untill next time, read Proverbs 2. -- Wisdom
